Job Hobbs

Job Hobbs
4th great grand uncle
Vincent Hobbs & Mary Hannah Shelby
Job Hobbs -1759
Ruth Thomas Hobbs -1769

Robert Russell - 1798

Margaret Ann Russell - 1836

Margaret Melissa Jane Trett -1864

Ira Edward Brown - 1894

Elisha Kane Brown - 1921

Kathleen Elizabeth Brown Hill -1947

Revolutionary War Soldier - Indian Fighter - Frontier Preacher - Pioneer Farmer

Job's parents were Vinson (Vincent) and Ruth THOMAS Hobbs

Job moved to Washington County, Arkansas, in 1834 where he was a member of the Middle Fork of White River Regular Baptist Church. Job moved to Madison County in the 1850s.

In 1859, when Job was 100 years old, he applied for and was awarded a pension of $20 per year, as a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Job lived with the Nathan Driver family for the last few years of his life.

Several articles have been published by The Madison County Genealogical & Historical Society about Job Hobbs' life. These articles are available to anyone interested by contacting the Society at P. O. Box 427, Huntsville, AR 72740.

In October 2002, at a ceremony held by the Sons of the American Revolution, a new military tombstone was set on Job's grave, beside his original fieldstone engraved with handcarved lettering "J. Hobbs, age 103". In May 2012, the Daughters of the American Revolution held a ceremony at Job Hobbs' grave and placed their emblem on his tombstone.