Betty Jean Brown Ragland

Betty Jean Brown Ragland

E:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Ragland, Howard and Betty\Ragland, Betty Jean Brown and Bobby JoE.jpgF:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Brown Family\Betty Jean Brown1.jpgF:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Brown Family\Betty Jean Brown.jpg
Young Betty Jean (Bobby Jo are her side in second photo)
F:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Brown Family\Howard Ragland.jpg
Uncle Howard

(from letters to cousin Eddie)
Kathi: I thought Uncle Howard was very handsome, too. Betty Jean always worried that she would lose him because of that. John said that the jealousy was mutual.  He said that Betty Jean could’ve gone to work to make more money for their family, but Howard worried about her meeting someone at work and losing her. I visited them quite a bit.  I remember visiting them when they lived next door to a boy named Dixon who I thought was pretty neat.  He would invite me over to his place and Betty would come after me.  I couldn’t understand why she was so worried about me being alone with him.  She just told me that it isn’t a good idea for girls to be alone with guys when there’s no one else around.  Betty Jean was my favorite aunt and I spent quite a bit of time visiting her. Uncle Howard was very good to me, too. I remember he would clip my toenails a certain way so that I wouldn’t get ingrown toenails.  I remember babysitting for Kenny.  I could have for Bobby as well, but I don’t remember that.  By the time Kim came along my babysitting days were well in the past and we no longer lived in the area.  I even flew to Kansas City by myself to visit Betty Jean and Howard after we had moved to Northbrook, Illinois. (Pictures below of Betty Jean & Howard; Bobby, Betty, Grandma & Kimberly Sue)
E:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Ragland, Howard and Betty\Ragland, Howard and second wife2.jpg
Howard and his second wife, Louise
E:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Ragland, Howard and Betty\Ragland, Betty Jean and Howard.jpgE:\Photos Extended Family\Farm Book2\Brown, Frona Sanders\Ragland, Bobby with Betty Jean and Frona.jpg

E:\For Thumb Drive3\Kenny, Bobby and Kim.jpgE:\Farm Book (Latest)\Brown Family\Kenny Ragland1.jpg
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E:\For Thumb Drive3\Kenny2.jpg
F:\Photos Family\Kathi\kathi kenny.jpg