My Story

C:\Users\kathi\Desktop\Kathi, Greg, Naomi and Faye in Texas Sept 2015.jpgHi, I’m Kathi Hill.  For about 35 years I have been gathering information on my family, and have also been helping others with their genealogical research.  My son, Greg (pictured with me recently at the right with his two daughters, Naomi and Fayette and also just below right with his wife, Rachel and daughters) helped me put together a website which he hosts for me @ where I fairly regularly upload my most current database of research.

C:\Users\kathi\Desktop\Garth Hill.jpgThis year I have started putting the information about our family into Word documents and was planning on creating books for my children to read but then thought there might be interest from other family members if I put this information online.  Much information came my way from searching the internet, and I am personally grateful to others who shared their information with me!  My son, Garth (pictured above left), is helping me to put together this site, which I will continue to expand as I write articles.  There will be a place for you to send me pictures, information, stories, whatever you have on my family lines that we could add in to make our family history more complete for everyone. I hope you will want to do this!  
C:\Users\kathi\Desktop\Rachel, Greg, Naomi, Faye.jpgI love being with my family, researching family history and being at the ocean.  For several years I added in rock hounding to those loves, but now I am too crippled for that.  I keep around a small collection of rocks to remind me of those days!  I may put up some personal information on this site that is intended for my family’s interest only, so please disregard that unless you are interested.  Maybe I’ll just call it Family Stuff.  You can reach me at with any questions.


C:\Users\kathi\Desktop\Woodbury, Heather, Katie, Ryan, Bethie.jpgF:\Woodbury, Heather and Family\Woodbury, Logan just before mission.jpgC:\Users\kathi\Desktop\Caleb Woodbury.jpg

Heather, Katie, Ryan, Bethie, Caleb and Logan