Leta Brown Hansford

Leta Brown Hansford


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Phil Hansford

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Phil front row left

Because Aunt Leta and Uncle Phil lived in Texas, we only saw them on a few occasions.  He was successful in his business endeavors in which he included his sons.  He was always very sociable when I saw him, but I knew there were problems.  He was rough in his discipline of his sons. His dad had been very harsh with him so it was a style that he had learned from his youth. 

Leta’s voice had a slight giggle to it that I loved to hear.  The summer following my freshman year in college they came to the farm when we did and I became reacquainted with my cousin, Eddie Hansford.  He loved to hear me sing and to talk with me for hours into the night.  Many years later we would become re-connected through e-mail. We enjoyed writing to each other for a number of months and the content of our emails forms the basis for much of my story about the farm and the wonderful times we spent there as children.  Eddie married three times and had a son, Noah, by his first marriage and two sons, Elliott and Ethan, by his third.  His older brother, Charles Lee, also married three times and had two sons and one daughter. His youngest brother, Gary, died in an automobile accident as a teenager.  

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Phil and second wife, Phyllis
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Charles Lee Hansford

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                        Eddie Hansford